Friday, April 4, 2008

Making money online

My first experience online was with my blog and it was a nice experience. I would like to share with you people about some money earning techniques which I use to earn money online. I tried using many free web hosts for creating my new site. Most of the money generated by ads online if from Google so always sign up to Google Adsense for any ad related sites or blogs you want to create

Some other useful ad networks are Adbrite and Adtoll. They offer free ad services like Google and you can get paid through Paypal or through cheques whichever is applicable for you. If you dont have a Paypal account you can sign up for one at as it is absolutely free for personal users

Some sites like Wordpress and Freewebs also provide free hosting for websites but they do not allow you post your own ads with networks like Google Adsense, Adbrite etc. They post their own ads on their site

If you want your own share of the 5 GB free space you can sign up to 110mb web hosting by clicking here and promote your products and blogs (like I did)

If you want to make real money on the net you have to spend a lot of time and some money initially to get your stuff going on the net. If you are a blogger your content should be unique and of good writing standards. If you are a website owner you should have an appeal to all the audiences. One of the good sites iI found in the net for these ideas was It has some good articles about the do's and dont's of the net. It was useful for me

One thing you have to do after creating your site or blog is to promote and publicise it. There are many directories available for submitting your blogs and sites. You can get them in google. One such blog I found with a list of directory for submission is here

You can find many more useful blogs at